What clients say

What Clients Say

When I tell people about Randi Haskins-Jordan and my journey to be healthy once again, I get very emotional.  Most of you reading this are searching for answers to overcome pain or to better your health.

I was in my late 30’s, 2 small children, I had just opened a small hair salon in our town, and had always been athletic and very active.  I had been taking tennis lessons for about a year and I had just gotten over having the flu.  I had pleurisy forming around my lung which I had not realized and off I went to play for my usual 1 hour lesson.  I was playing hard and went for a backhand shot and had a twisting fall.  I got up, starting playing again,  but by the time I got home I was starting to feel pain in my abdomen.

Later that evening, my husband had to take me to the hospital, for I could not take a breath with out feeling excruciating pain.  I then proceeded on a long road of medicines that did not work, doctors that either thought I was crazy or gave me a misdiagnosis, and 2 years of chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, etc. to only not feel any better.  I had to close my business and have help doing house chores, daily simple task, and could not even pick up my children.  I had constant burning in my abdomen, and was beginning to have pain in my neck and back where I had past injuries.

I then was asked by my husbands law partner’s wife, if I had ever heard of “Cranial Sacral Therapy”?  She gave me a book that Randi had given to her about the “Upledger Institute”, so I began to read.  I was very curious and also extremely frustrated and desperate, so I gave a call to her office in Great Barrington.  Randi was the first person that actually listened to me and spoke to me for 45 minutes over the phone.  She then scheduled me to come in for a full examination and to answer a few more questions.  After a 90 minute initial appointment, she said I think we can help you.

It took baby steps and patience and many 50 minute trips to my appointments, but over time I got my life back.  I could go for a walk again, I could empty the dishwasher with out having to lay down, I could swim a lap or  two and hold my children in the water without balling my eyes out.

Randi Haskins-Jordan truly has a gift.  She is extremely educated and talented in her professional line of work. If it wasn’t for being connected with her, I am not sure where I would be today.  I also have learned after going through this experience not to take anything for granted.  She not only is the best in her field, but she has kindness and compassion to change the lives of people like me.

Tracey Freeman

I had a longstanding left side injury from being hit by a van walking when I was 20.  I compensated, and then some, and told myself it couldn’t be helped.  Yoga and some therapies (traditional physical therapy, BMT, chiropractic, acupuncture) helped to stabilize me so I could do some things, but nothing seemed to really heal me.  I felt lousy and had pretty much given up hope that I could actually feel better, feel WHOLE.  Then I found Randi.  Her work is very subtle, and equally powerful.  Not only did I find relief for imbalances that had caused me pain and a feeling of just being ‘off’ for years, but the state of grace STAYED after seeing her.  That is the holy grail that had eluded me with other therapies.

I also knew there were traumatic experiences I hadn’t healed from– I had tried even more therapies for that too–and the last thing I expected was that physical therapy could address PTSD.  In one session Randi was working on me and I just felt that wall give way.  Blood flowing where it couldn’t before, nerves awakened, new pathways forged.  The feeling of being awake and hopeful again is a gift it is impossible to quantify.

Randi has an extraordinary commitment to healing– in her deep expertise, in her insistence on learning and growing as a practitioner, in her commitment to her patients, and in herself.  She takes her work extremely seriously; I felt she held me in her care even when I was not in her office.  I am just very, very grateful she crossed my path, and I cannot recommend her and her work enough for people who are well, human. 🙂


I first met Randi a year ago when I was experiencing chronic pain in my neck and shoulders. Through traditional therapy and Randi’s healing work, I learned that this literal “pain in my neck” had a real physiological cause. Being given up for adoption had forced me to live in “fight or flight” mode for the past 46 years – the pain being concentrated in the primitive amygdala region of my brain, the part responsible for survival. The stress and grief of caring for my sick and elderly parents for the last 6 year certainly wasn’t helping the underlying problem and I was desperate for relief.

Randi is one of the kindest and most gentle people I have ever met and I immediately felt her compassion for my life experience and her commitment to my health and well-being. While I don’t claim to fully understand her healing art, I know it works. We started with sessions every other week where Randi would identify the troubled areas of my body and then she would use her healing hands to relieve tension in the nerves and fascia. All the while, she would remind me to acknowledge the emotional and physical reactions I was having and gently incorporate them into my being. It was the ultimate form of self-compassion and after each session I felt my body start to relax and let go of old pain. My depression faded, my sleep improved and I am now happier and healthier than I have ever been in my life.

Randi is a miracle worker. I highly recommend her for anyone suffering chronic pain. She is highly skilled in the practice of cranio-sacral and osteopathic healing and you cannot help to respond to her gentle compassionate nature.


After a session with Randi, I often wonder how other people manage to function without the kinds of treatments she provides. I have been seeing her regularly for the last 10 years and regard her work as fundamental to my efforts at getting and staying healthy, despite advancing years. I continue to be amazed at how finely tuned her “listening” skills have become. Without saying a word, her hands can sense and treat even the most subtle dysfunctions in my body.

Randi’s work is so wide-ranging that it is difficult to describe. Over the years, Randi has treated myriad problems, both large and small, from a chronic stiff neck and shoulders and to an acute case of sciatica, which she eliminated in one treatment. But her treatment goes beyond the physical, and can address even deep-seated emotional issues, whose effects are more diffuse. Even an acute case of anxiety melted away through her work on my central nervous system. Each year she attends multiple advanced training courses, so her manual osteopathy skills continue to expand and evolve.

Randi has a passionate interest in all aspects of health, so we frequently share what we have learned in other areas, including nutrition, fitness, spirituality and alternative health care. She is currently pursuing training in a daily workout routine called Classical Stretch and routinely prescribes exercises to do at home to address specific problems. In helping me resolve longstanding neck issues, which kept recurring despite treatment, she volunteered to meet with my Pilates instructors to discuss how my work with them could be better adapted to my particular needs. I now approach this form of exercise in a much different, highly individualized, way.

Randi brings this expansive notion of optimum health, along a deep personal commitment to healing, to every session.

Lois Jensen

I have worked with Randi for two years,during which time, I have reclaimed my life. She possesses a rare ability to stay focused on health, rather than involving herself with the physical, emotional, spiritual pathologies of illness. As a result, I have felt safe and empowered to do the work of healing my body from many years of illness and trauma. She reads the body like a fine detective, works on the body like a fine sculptor, and maintains the integrity of the body’s ability to heal like the wisest of healers. She is also willing and able to confer with other health professionals, including physicians, nutritionists and counselors, which informs and speeds up the road to wellness. I recommend Randi to anyone seeking optimal health!


I started working with Randi about a year ago, hoping she could help me with pain and cramping issues I was having when cycling. I’m 66 years old with arthritis in my left knee and have had two iliac artery aneurysms, one on each side, each requiring a surgical repair. I have been a cyclist for years but had begun to suffer severe cramping when riding long distances.

In August of this year I participated in the Pan Mass fund raiser for Dana Farber Hospital, a ride of 190 miles over two days. I not only completed the ride, but did so with little discomfort and at a speed faster than the years before. I have to believe that this would not have been possible had it not been for the time spent with Randi.

Peter W.

When I arrived at Randi’s office, I was in pain and five weeks pregnant. I could not comfortably lie down, sleep, bend my arms or take a deep breath without distress and discomfort. I had tried addressing this with massage, injections, acupuncture, medication, yoga, and diet, without much success. I was able to sleep no more than a few hours each night, and was spending the rest of the night sitting up in a chair or propped up in bed.  I also have an autoimmune disease (mixed connective tissue disorder) and four herniated discs in my neck. My lung constriction has plagued me for over 12 years. My fertility doctor had assessed my miscarriage risk as 50%, based on my age. This has a happy ending! Astonishingly, Randi waded through my list of symptoms and problems, and she confidently addressed the pain and constriction. She also addressed my anxiety about treatment during early pregnancy.

Within weeks, I was able to sleep, followed by more freedom with my breathing. My pregnancy has been extremely healthy and pain-free, even compared to those friends without health problems. I attribute this to Randi’s work on my breathing, as well as work on my back and tailbone, neck and arms. Being able to breathe freely is the single most important gift anyone has given me during this pregnancy (sleep is a close second!). As soon as I was able to breathe and sleep, my mood changed. My anxiety dissipated. I began to feel very confident about my pregnancy and the delivery, because I was no longer at an impasse with my body and with treatment. In addition to treating the pain and its origins, Randi also repeatedly reassured me that I could heal completely, which was very important to hear during the first months of treatment.

Randi’s space is extremely clean and comfortable. She is conscientious about appointments beginning on time. During sessions, Randi asks for feedback, as well as follow-up feedback a few days after sessions.

Thank you, Randi! I am looking forward to bringing my baby for her first craniosacral therapy session.

Suzanne Snider, September 2013, baby due in early October

I’ve been seeing Randi for close to 8 years now. I first saw her for fairly straightforward PT to help with a numb shoulder. She fixed that. Over the years she’s helped me with the usual aches and pains that happen in life. But her facility with many other modalities have helped me with emotional and energy challenges, some very profound indeed. Randi is incredibly intuitive and always knows what I need better than I do. As a practitioner she is unparalleled.
I consider Randi to be a blessing and a gift in my life.


When I first went to see Randi for chronic lower back pain she was the 15th person I had sought out between chiropractors, physical therapists, cranial sacral practitioners, massage therapists and acupuncturists. She is the only person who has been able to help me over the past 20 years.

A few years into seeing her I had a serious cycling accident where I split open my face and lost several teeth. I’m not sure I would have gotten through the healing nearly as well without her.

Randi’s work is subtle and at the same time deeply effective. I am consistently amazed by her intuition on all aspects of health and wellbeing. No matter what I’ve come up against physically, she has helped me through it. I am and will remain eternally devoted and indebted.

Ariella Chezar Design

I have worked with Randi for over 10 years. Before that, I needed chiropractic adjustments every 5-6 weeks in order to walk comfortably. I am 80 years old and Randi has helped me remain flexible and pain free as I age. In addition to the usual wear and tear on our bodies I have had several pulled muscles and had one bad fall.  I remember saying to her several months ago as we were dealing with some remnants of the fall, “Randi, if it weren’t for you, I’d be a cripple.”

Randi is extremely knowledgeable and highly skilled, working on both physical and emotional levels when needed. She aligns with the innate wisdom of the body for information on where to focus next to help the body heal. She is continually up-grading her skills, learning more effective ways to achieve results.  I feel very fortunate to have access to someone so skilled and caring, and it increases my confidence that I can remain healthy and pain free as I age. I am more grateful than words can express.

Joan M

I am glad for the public opportunity to thank Randi for her healing gifts. She has helped me so much in wide ranging ways, addressing issues of body and soul.  Having years of chronic back pain, friends kept suggesting I see Randi but I had been to many people over the years I doubted that lasting relief would be possible. Finally, and thankfully, I made an appointment and working with her has provided not just relief from pain but correction that has allowed me increased ease of movement and a deeper, ongoing feeling of well-being.

Michele LaCroix

When I first met Randi Haskins-Jordan, I must admit I had very little knowledge of craniosacral therapy and osteopathic techniques. My initial issues were primarily thoracic discomfort and shoulder pain, and I was somewhat reluctant to see a physical therapist because of past experiences with some rather aggressive techniques several years before. I was amazed that Randi’s gentle touch could be so effective, and there was clearly a dramatic reduction of pain after treatment. That was about five years ago and since then I have been treated for conditions ranging from “dry socket”, an extremely painful dental condition, to mixed connective tissue disease, a chronic autoimmune condition. Over that period of time I have been impressed by the consistent quality of care I have received. Randi’s expertise and base of knowledge, already well-developed, are constantly increasing as she investigates new techniques in her mission to provide effective alternative options for her patients. She is truly committed and that commitment is reflected in every aspect of her practice.

S. P.

When I was 11 I hurt my right knee in a sledding accident. Physical therapy helped a little bit, and icing the knee only helped for a few minutes at a time. My doctor wanted me to get knee surgery, but my parents and I felt like we needed to find another alternative before considering a surgery that might or might not solve the problem. There were many risks involved and it would cost a lot of money. Somehow, my mom found out about Randi Haskins and her work with CranioSacral Therapy so I made an appointment with her. Randi didn’t only work on my knee, the work she also did on my head and back helped me sleep better, and she addressed any issue I had with my body, from old snowboarding bruises to stress related muscle tension. Another very important thing that Randi did for me was help me with my headaches. For years I had been getting strong headaches to severe migraines a few times a week. Nothing I tried had ever helped me long term, but during the time that Randi worked on me the frequency and severity of those headaches decreased significantly. My parents and I came to the conclusion that we had made the right choice. Surgery was definitely not necessary. CranioSacral Therapy has affected my body in a much more positive and successful way then surgery ever would. Randi has a gentle but effective touch,a warm personality. She is always respectful of her patients’ wishes and discomforts, and I have always looked forward to my appointments with her.

Sarita Orobio Wolff (18 years of age)

In these past few years I have gone through many physical and emotional struggles. Things like headaches and back pain really affected my life, I went to many doctors but none actually helped the cause. But after having visits with Randi,starting at age 11 years, my headaches disappeared and my back pain is also significantly relieved. CranioSacral therapy really does work. People should not take if for granted because it helped me greatly and improved my life. The work is a different approach than western techniques, it links emotional stress and physical pain together and finds the cause of what is going wrong. I trust Randi and her work very much and I recommend it to anyone who has any kind of pain.

Natasha MacLeay (age15)

Dear Randi: As we enter a new year and I reflect on the progress made with my back during this past year, I thought it appropriate that I communicate my satisfaction and thanks to you. As you know, prior to becoming informed of you and your knowledge and skills, I spent several years dealing with the effects of acute spinal stenosis. I was first diagnosed to have this problem back in 2000. Prior to that, I had fallen off the roof of my gazebo, straight down on my backside from about 10 feet up. It was several months later that my vertebrae began to impinge on my spinal cord, causing severe pain throughout both legs. The pain, at times, was so intense that no position i.e. standing, sitting, lying down could help alleviate it. At that time I went to all sorts of therapeutic treatment, Chiropractic, physical therapy, ultra-sound, acupuncture with no relief. Finally, I agreed to spinal surgery to relieve the pressure on my spinal cord. While there was some initial relief, a short while after surgery the pain returned. Since that time I have had two additional spinal surgeries, the latest being in 2006. Here again, I was relieved of the pain for a short time. After numerous re-visits to my surgeon, and his inability to help me, I believe, perhaps more in frustration more than anything else, he suggested pain management. I had previously had pain management treatments with no noticeable relief. However, I continued to try all the therapies previously mentioned to no avail.

Fortunately, a very good friend with a strong spiritual orientation suggested that I make an appointment to have a consultation with you. I’m so very glad to have followed up on my friend’s suggestion. Your in-depth knowledge of the body and especially the skeletal and muscular structure, coupled with the ability to massage, maneuver and reposition a person’s form and your professionalism and patient interaction skills are marvelous to experience. You have certainly achieved a significant shift in my body balance and done wonders to have me be able to stand more upright and at the same time experience a significant decrease in the frequency and intensity of my pain. While I can’t say that I am completely pain free, the improvement made through your processes have helped me enormously. As you know, my wife, Emma , and I have a fairly sizable property with several flower gardens. This year I was able to work outside in the gardens and achieve things which formerly I became unable to do. Also, I am an Executive Consultant and my work requires me to travel long distances (Kuala Lumpur, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain etc.). Fortunately I have been able to take assignments in those countries and perform facilitation and platform activities whereas prior to that my opportunities were becoming limited.

Well Randi, this has turned into rather long piece which was initially intended as a short, “Thank you & Well Done” note. Sincerely though, I really want to thank you for the help you have given me and I do look forward to making further progress, with you very skillful help, during this new year. As you are a professional, engaged in the process of “life- long learning” I look forward to benefiting from the additional new and as well as ancient knowledge you gain and apply to me and all your many satisfied and loyal clients. Thank you.

Jack Yurish, Executive Consultant & Coach

I have experienced a long-sought turn-around in both my physical and emotional health since becoming Randi’s client. Because she is skilled in so many aspects of hands-on work, she has been able to address the variety of problems I brought to her table, including: The systemic effects of childhood meningitis, old-fashioned orthodontia, head injuries, digestive disorders, body pains from injury and fibromyalgia, and a general contraction of the entire system.

After working with Randi, I can deeply breathe rather than sip air; walk, stand, and sit comfortably and freely, rather than with aches and torques; my organs are functioning well rather than shutting down; and the whole feeling of being cramped inside myself has given way to a spaciousness and relaxation. As my physical self has become rejuvenated, my psyche has let go of a lot of painful material, so the relaxation and freedom I feel now are throughout my entire being. My life experience, which had felt constricted and small is now much more spacious and full of energy and interaction.

Randi also brings a welcome flexibility in her approach to her clients. Some of us want to process out loud with her the material that arises during a session, and some of us just want to follow along internally. She has the range to work either way while being both respectful of and in precise psychic contact with the client. In Randi’s work room there is a palpable atmosphere of deep listening. She is responding to the specifics of this client in this moment and proceeding accordingly, her educated and intuitive guidance leading the way to tremendous tangible results.


My experience with Randi Haskins-Jordan PT was so positive I brought both of my daughters to her after a car accident. My body had suffered many insults over my life and Randi has made a very noticeable improvement to many of my past injuries and illnesses. She is very intuitive and skilled and has helped me overcome chronic pain, muscle spasms, posture problems, digestive problems and emotional problems.


I had sustained fractures to my lumbar and sacrum, and although the bones had healed, my torso remained tight from the initial impact of the injury and from wearing a body brace for 2 months. As a cranio-sacral therapist and bodyworker myself, I chose Randi to help me through the healing process. She worked with my fascia and organs for about six months, even releasing physical and emotional tensions that I had held since childhood. Her attention to detail and her skills are exquisite. I am grateful for her courage and willingness to address seemingly deep, unreachable places in my body, which responded by opening to renewed life. I absolutely loved working with Randi, and my body came a long way under her knowledgeable and safe hands.

Ming Lash, Somatic Movement Therapist

I cannot be more thankful to Randi whose expertise has eliminated aches and pains from a severe head-on car accident. The drunk driver had left me with significant problems from head to foot. I much appreciate that Randi was able to stop or greatly diminish pain including clicking in my jaw, plelvic pressure, restoring balance, eliminating the “jumping” in my vision and much more. There are still things I cannot do since bones have fused together. However, Randi has kept pain levels low and my mobility and well-being high. I chose to continue to recieve sessons at an amount that helps me stay balanced and keep what I have gained. Yes, it does take time and expense, however, the benefits are well worth it for me. Randi knows what she is doing and is constantly learning.


Take first-rate training along with continuing education and put them in the hands of an intelligent, talented, caring professional and one finds Randi. I have been successfully treated by her. Any one treated by Randi is enriched by the experience. I originally came to her for back, hip and leg pain which was limiting my life in many ways.


I’ve had asthma for 15 years. Under Randi’s care for the last 5 years, I’ve been able to give up routine allergy shots that over time had proven toxic to my system. Now I keep asthma symptoms in check with limited medication, lifestyle supports including diet and excercise, and a regular schedule of visits with Randi. In addition, her sensitivity to my body’s needs has given me a new self awareness. Increasingly, I’m able to track the results of emotional stress to my shoulders and back, and she’s given me the knowledge to work on these areas myself. I had come down with pneumonia yearly the last few winters before I started treatment with her. Since starting, I have not had a significant lung related infection. Quite honestly, Randi’s given me a new lease on life!

Jane Murdock

Randi picks up where other manual therapists leave off.  She works at a subtle energetic level that is difficult to define. At the same time, no physical problem is too hard to handle. She manipulates fascia and other connective tissue around organs I never thought reachable, relying on my body to guide her. Her uncanny technical skills, combined with her nurturing personality and genuine concern make me look forward to each visit. I leave feeling relaxed, more comfortable in my body, and inspired to continue the good work she started.

L. J.

When I found Randi I had been suffering with a very painful neck and shoulder problem for about two years. At times, I’d have to spend a day or two in bed, taking Advil to ease the pain.  Driving for a couple of hours or working on my feet was sometimes difficult without it. I saw a doctor, an osteopath and therapeutic masseuses, to no avail. But from the first time I saw Randi, I started to feel some relief. I knew I was in the right hands. It took about three or four visits before I felt out of the woods. Now the problem is pretty much forgotten. Randi is great.

M. H.

How has Craniosacral Therapy and the prescribed program of exercises helped my son? Where shall I start?

In his daily activities, he has lost most of his ungainliness. There is no longer all of the stumbling and tripping over his own feet. He is able to control his body and have it do what he wants in a fairly sensible way (he is still a teenager). We no longer have to wait at the car door for him to figure out a way to get in or out.

Homework is still a major portion of our lives at home. It takes up every evening, an occasional late night, and at least one day of the weekend. How is this better? Perhaps the biggest piece of the difference is that it used to start immediately after school, and now his life is filled with extracurricular activities. He is an active member of the Student Council, raising funds for, advertising, and participating in community service projects. He was the equipment coach for both the junior varsity and varsity football teams. That meant attending all of the practices and games throughout the season. His favorite activity so far, however, has been as a member of the wrestling team. He has been attending all of the practices and meets except on Wednesdays when he goes skiing. He has also joined the World Language Club, although they have only had two meetings and a fund raiser. Is this a change in his life? Wow!!!!
His sister is thrilled that when he is home, he actually has time to fit in bike rides and board games. These were unheard of before, during the school year.
The atmosphere at homework time has improved as well. It used to be that everyone had to keep their distance and be quiet so that he could remain focused on what needed to be done. Now, they still can not be in the same room, but passing through on occasion and even chatting is not the end of the world. I must admit that I still cringe, but he is able to focus and remain on task much more easily. His father is very happy that they have a chance to just fool around a little through the evening.

Josh has complete responsibility for Math and Spanish because there is minimal writing in each. He still needs my help with the actual writing for other subjects. The physical placement of the letters on a piece of paper has still not become an automatic process, but if given enough time, he can produce amazing results compared to what he could do before. His keyboarding skills are also not quite adequate to compensate, but they have also improved greatly. I am beginning to actually believe that someday this will in fact become a way for him to succeed independently. He has been able to do research and find supplemental information on his own at school from the computer and the library. He could probably have done this before, if given time, but would never have remembered to do it.

Best of all, he is happy. The once dreaded school has become a place that he actually wants to be. Thank you!!!!!

(This client was treated at Darhan Physical Therapy in Williamstown by both Randi Haskins-Jordan, PT and Jim Haskins, CST/PTA. He practices in Pittsfield and Williamstown and can be reached at (413) 348-3253)


My son was born by Cesarean Section (in August of 1991), after 24 hours of labor and 4 hours of unsuccessful, unmedicated pushing. Although I was fully dilated for most of that labor, he was prevented from descending by a condition called “Bandels Ring,” where the uterus essentially closes around the cervix.

He was a wonderful, very active infant and developed his gross motor abilities quite quickly. I nursed him on demand (essentially every two hours), for over a year. He was walking, (running) by nine months, and has been climbing, swinging and generally on-the-go every minute since then. Although his motor abilities were exceptional, he didn’t utter a word (not even “Mama”) until he was 2 ½ ¾ shortly after his sister was born. I know I doted on him, and feel he didn’t have to speak because all his needs were being met¾ that is until his sister came. Once he started speaking, it came in volumes, and he has not had a quiet moment since. (Never thought the time would come when I’d want to say “Shut-up”, but…)

He started preschool in September of 1995. At our first parent-teacher meeting that fall, the staff said they had concerns about his having ADHD. The list of potential behaviors concerning ADHD described him perfectly. My heart dropped and I began to read everything I could get my hands on concerning this disorder to better help him (and me).

Unfortunately, around this same time, my husband left us for a “20-something-youngster” and brought her into our business, (which is attached to our home), daily, for months. Of course, the additional stress generated by this only added to our problems. A therapist suggested drugs for my son, but my husband and I were strongly against them. (Our son is so very creative and neither of us felt it necessary to drug him to fit some arbitrary conformity.) Shortly thereafter, a good friend of mine told me about a “cranio-sacral” massage therapy that her infant was undergoing at Darshan Therapy* and the remarkable transformation that had taken place. I immediately called Darshan and set up an appointment. I believed then, and still believe, that a non-invasive form of treatment certainly couldn’t hurt, and if successful, all the better!

Following the first treatment, he actually sat still and had me read a book to him for the first time since he was a toddler. It was incredible. However, our next few visits (we went twice a week, having about an hour’s drive each way), found my son more active than usual. From what I had read, I knew this could happen and tried not to be discouraged. In addition, our home life was still in such turmoil that it was hard to say exactly “what” was causing “what”. Soon afterward, I began to notice my son being able to finish a thought when he’d speak instead of being distracted mid-sentence. He also seemed to be a tad less active. In addition, I noticed that I could get his attention easier and without a lot of cajoling and pleading as before. He truly seemed to blossom into a more delightful little boy.

He has now been “discharged”, after approximately four months of treatment, and has been doing just great. We’ve recently moved from our home into an apartment where he has lot of friends, and I haven’t noticed him having any problems socializing (as he did in preschool). It will be interesting, when he enters kindergarten this fall at a new school, to see how the teachers evaluate him. I feel the change in him has been so beneficial (to himself and me!) and I look forward to him developing into a busy, but not fanatic, happy youngster.

(This client was treated at Darshan Physical Therapy in Williamstown by both Randi Haskins-Jordan, PT and Jim Haskins, CST/PTA. He practices in Pittsfield and Williamstown, Massachusetts and can be reached at (413) 348-3253)

Randi is very knowledgeable, talented and professional. She listens and can read one’s body. Through working with Randi, my tissues were able to to let go of very significant emotional trauma which I didn’t even realize my body was holding and trying to process. At each session, Randi was able to massage and release energy and I always felt refreshed and renewed. I truly believe I was able to stay healthy both emotionally and physically because of the superb work Randi did on my body and I would highly recommend her.

I had fewer colds and lung infections after Randi adressed those areas, and their duration was minimal. I felt my body was and is more balanced. Working out daily is important to me and I was able to do this because Randi kept my body loose, and injury free. If an ache or problem came up, it didn’t progress.

Jane P

I originally started physical therapy in the fall of 1991, after a work related accident. Over the years, I’ve been to numerous Physical Therapists, may who used CranioSacral Therapy as part of their treatments. I’ve had limited or temporary success.

I have been a client of Randi Haskins-Jordan since June of 2006. After the first few initial visits with Randi I felt pain relief and flexibility I hadn’t in years. After 5 visits within a one month period dI began a light-duty workout regiment, and after a couple of months stepped it up to a moderate one. Shortly thereafter i began and continue an aggressive workout schedule. At about this time I began getting involved in some sports that I had played before 1991, such as golf, tennis, roller-blading and bicycling.

I don’t live completely pain-free, but am able to do, physically, pretty much anything I want. I continue to see Randi every 4-8 weeks for therapy for the new strains and pulls, and what I like to call, my regular tune-up.

Randi is very talented at what she does, and is genuinely interested in her clients, and their needs. I think she takes a special interest in all her clients, as my wife and two daughters, who are also clients, agree (as well as several grandchildren)

Joe D.

I wonder if you remember me limping in 6 plus months ago? My knee injury was the root problem I came in for or so it seemed. I had put years 2006-2008 and all the surgeries and incisions, chemotherapy, divorce and my move to MA into my history book. I had survived the subsequent side-effects to my physical and emotional bodies. So I just came in for the limp.

During our sessions, you found so many areas of adhesion and scarring, where interior tensions had lodged and blocked function that were totally unknown to me. Your gentle and focused therapy enabled remarkable and unexpected openings. Internal areas like arteries, phantom breasts and uterus/ovaries and other parts that were removed in the cancer battle had been silenced but needed attention and integration on a physical and emotional level.

It’s hard to describe but one day, you’de work on an area I thought was healed because it wasn’t painful. After a session things shifted and I seemed to breathe more fully. Sometimes I just went home and went to bed and slept well.

Visceral therapy was new to me and although I’m not conversant, I can say that I’m in much better shape and more aware of the lack of integration that was occurring in my body. I had always said that having cancer surgeries was like going into an auto body shop and getting the tires changed, rotated, parts used for other places, fluids changed.
But I’m not a car. This is my new knowledge about what changes my body went through. I had to be strong and not look back. I just wanted survival, I had children to raise.

Now i want quality of life. Thank-you very much for finding and working on and with the many disparate parts of me towards rebuilding a whole person.

You are a wonderful practitioner and healer! I’m thankful that Laura Fetheroff of Women’s Integrative Network pointed me in your direction.

P.S. After cancer treatments and subsequent chemo side effects such as osteoporosis, which resulted in bone breaks, I’de been to physical therapists, my GP, and orthopaedic specialists. No one seemed to be able to find a way to help me. Randi Haskins-Jordan has a unique approach that worked more on releasing my old injuries. There’s none of the repetitious pumping iron to “strengthen” that was useless until my old injuries were addressed with these modalities. I would recommend adding her to your team of professionals during recovery and beyond.


I suffer from post-viral syndrome and chronic auto-immune disease. My symptoms include chronic pain throughout my joints, complete hearing loss in my right ear, vertigo, tinnitus, nerve dysfunction and debilitating fatigue. Additionally, I had surgery several years ago for a severely herniated cervical disc which I sustained in a work related injury.

I am a physical therapist. Randi is a unique and gifted physical therapist. She is consistently the only practitioner that has helped to relieve my symptoms and help me heal.

She is deeply compassionate, caring, insightful, resourceful, professional & talented. Her approach to her patients targets the whole self; physical, visceral, emotional, mental & spiritual. While respecting my personal boundaries, she listens deeply to my body and my words in a way, which enable her to cause and allow very deep, integrated and whole healing. She is a gift to me and to the practice of Physical Therapy.

Randi has earned my deep respect. We face my challenge together, and she continues to help me be free of pain and feel more well no matter the daily challenge.

Debbie Jaferian

Five years ago I couldn’t walk because of back, hip and abdominal pain. The doctor wanted to inject my spinal cord.  Randi brought me back to walking  and relieved the pain through visceral manipulation and the other techniques she uses, along with excercise to help restore motion. My relief and gratitude are form the heart.  Recently, I sought Randi’s services again to help me with frequent urination. Randi has given me freedom from hourly urination which caused me to have to plan my life around when I could have a bathroom accessible. Randi is intuitive, skilled, compassionate and professional.

Barbara D

I started treatments with Randi because I couldn’t move my neck when I tried to turn it either way. Randi not only restored the movement in my neck but also treated other problem places on my body. As a result of her extraordinary physical therapy, my body and soul have been transformed. I sleep at night, when I couldn’t before; for the first time in 15 plus years, I haven’t caught a flu or cold bug. I feel healthy and de-stressed. My only regret- I didn’t find Randi sooner.

Barbara Greenberg